Groh Public School is a suburban K-8 school that comprises roughly 800 students and 60 staff members. Roughly 87% of their student population lives in the walk zone, 10% live in the bus zone, and 3% are from outside the catchment area. Bell times are 9:10 am and 3:30 pm. The school has a French Immersion program and extended day care.

School walking infrastructure includes two pedestrian islands that make it easier for students to cross the wide street from homes to the northeast and the west of the school. Groh Drive is a trail that runs beside the school and links to area trails to the north and south of the school block. These trails are of historical significance and are not winter maintained.

The parking lot does not currently have enough spots for school and extended day staff.

Drivers should note that the street is not yet owned by the city so the street paint markings may not be in place. Newer parking restrictions noted by signage do not allow parking on Thomas Slee Drive near the school because parking in these spots restricts sight lines for small pedestrians and makes it more difficult for them to see when another car is advancing, especially around the curve in Thomas Slee.

Additional support at this school includes:


A network of Trailblazers at Groh PS wear vests while walking to and from school. These students have received training in road safety and crisis alerts, so they know what to do if something out of the ordinary comes up on their way to school. Trailblazers increase the visibility of the walk to school and give parents peace of mind that there are walking experts on their child’s route. For more information visit Trailblazers.

iWalk Day, Winter walk day & bike to school

See how many students can walk, ride, or roll to school on these special event days. Groh PS celebrates with various encouraging activities, so look for messaging on School Day or ask at the office if there is a guest joining a preferred route (or routes!). See our Programs page for more information about these events.



Drive to 5 Campaign

Streets suitable for parking are located within a 5-minute walk from the school. Contact us for more information and school-specific resources and visit Drive to Five for more information.