Chicopee Hills Public School is a suburban K-8 school that comprises roughly 750 students and 80 staff members. About 8.4% of their student population lives in the bus zone, and 88.7% live in the walk zone. Bell times are 9:10 am and 3:30 pm. The school has a French Immersion program, a hearing program, and before and after school care.
School traffic infrastructure includes a bus bay that incorporates some angled parking and acts as a pass through for additional parking, 88 bike parking spots, 10 scooter parking spots, a bike parking room inside the school, a kiss n ride lane for parent use, and three accessible parking spots for people with permits. Some days there are a few parking spots available for parent use.
Three crossing guards assist students crossing Fairway and Lackner boulevards. At Fairway, a Leading Pedestrian Signal gives pedestrians a few seconds of lead time before cars have the right to advance, allowing pedestrians to assume a more prominent and visible position in the crosswalk before cars begin to move. At Lackner Boulevard and Corfield Drive, there is a Level II Pedestrian Crossover with a Rapid Flashing Beacon that gives pedestrians the right of way until they are completely across the street. Vehicles should not advance until pedestrians have cleared the entire width of the road and have made it safely to the other side. The school has a great Multi Use Pathway leading from Zeller Drive to the school and newer sidewalks leading from all other directions.
Additional support at this school includes:
A network of Trailblazers at Chicopee Hills wear vests while walking to and from school. These students have received training in road safety and crisis alerts, so they know what to do if something out of the ordinary comes up on their way to school. Trailblazers increase the visibility of the walk to school and give parents peace of mind that there are walking experts on their child’s route. For more information visit Trailblazers.
Drive to 5
Safe and legal parking spots are located within a 5 minute walk from the school on Corfield Drive, Fairview Crescent, and Tremaine Drive. These streets are clearly marked on this map. Visit Drive to Five or contact the principal or us for more information.
The Walking School Bus
Chicopee Hills parents have worked hard to provide two Walking School Bus routes available regularly to students at Chicopee Hills PS. Please register your child or volunteer at Walking School Bus.
Traffic Flow Map
This map shows you where cars belong – and don’t belong – on the space-limited campus. Please follow these expectations in order to provide clear sight lines and space to keep all children safe. Thank you!
Chicopee Hills PS – Traffic Flow Map
Sidewalk Smarts
Sidewalk Smarts is a pedestrian skills program aimed at grade 4 students. This program builds on skills, introducing complex crossings and safety techniques, and involves both in-class and roadside sessions to learn and practice skills that are integral for students travelling in the general Lackner and Fairway area. Chicopee Hills started this program in 2020.