Janet Metcalfe Public School is a suburban K-8 school that comprises roughly 760 students and 65 staff members. About 65% of their student population lives in the walk zone, 30% live in the walk zone and 5% live out of the catchment area. Bell times are 9:10 am and 3:30 pm. The school has a French Immersion program and extended day care. It also houses a designated room for medically fragile students.
A crossing guard assist students crossing Fischer Hallman at Seabrook Drive. Closer to the school, there are several cut-throughs and trails that create additional access to the school. Traffic circles and roundabouts in the area are configured such that pedestrians can concentrate on one lane of traffic at a time.
School traffic infrastructure includes a bus layby on Seabrook Drive for long buses, and a small bus bay off of Amand Drive for small buses. There several sturdy and secure bike racks and three accessible parking spots for people with permits. Parents are asked to use adjacent streets if they must drive, including Amand Drive where a cutout is available for parking; it is advised that you accompany your children across this street to ensure they use the safe crossing infrastructure at the roundabout at Seabrook Drive.
Additional support at this school includes:
Traffic Flow Map
This map shows you where cars belong – and don’t belong – on the space-limited campus. Please follow these expectations in order to provide clear sight lines and space to keep all children safe. Thank you!
Janet Metcalfe Traffic Flow Map
Parking Map
Walking is best, but if you must drive, we show you the safest parking spots!