Communication of Transportation for September
A direct email or mail out will be sent to parents/caregivers of students with special needs who are transported in September. The email/mail out will reach families near the end of August.
Transportation Process for Students with Special Needs
Parents/Caregivers > School > Special Education Consultant > STSWR Special Education Transportation Planner > Special Education Consultant, School & Parents/Caregivers notified
Parents/Caregivers > School > Superintendent of Business > STSWR Special Education Transportation Planner > School & Parents/Caregivers notified
Transportation Process for Special Approvals
Parents/Caregivers > School Principal > School Superintendent > STSWR Special Education Transportation Planner > School & Parents/Caregivers Notified
Parents/Caregivers > School Principal > Superintendent of Business > STSWR Special Education Transportation Planner > School & Parents/Caregivers notified
Expectations at Bus Stop
All students should be ready for pick up at their designated stop at least 5 minutes prior to pick up time
Met at Stop
Students with special needs should be accompanied and met at stop according to the student’s needs. If a student is not met at the stop and should be, the student will be taken back to the school. If a student is returned back to school, the bus/taxi company should contact school to ensure someone is there to meet the student.
Equipment Booster Seats & Harnesses
- At home the parent or caregiver is responsible to assist the student opening a door or buckling/unbuckling the seatbelt, harness, booster seat or car seat.
- At the school, staff is responsible to assist the student opening a door, bucking/unbuckling the seatbelt, harness, booster seat or car seat. The school bus/taxi driver will not buckle or unbuckle the students; they will observe that it is done correctly.
- Wheelchair lifts are to be operated by the Driver only. Parents/caregivers are responsible for the safety of the wheelchair. If the driver has any issues with safety of the wheelchair, the student is not to be transported.
Bus Rules
No food or drink is allowed on the bus/taxi.
Parents/caregivers are to contact the taxi or bus company directly if the student does not require the taxi due to illness, vacation, etc.