Taxi Operators and Taxi drivers must abide by the terms and conditions defined in the Taxi Contract. Failure to abide by this procedure may result in STSWR terminating the contract and seeking services from other carriers.
Taxi Operator Responsibilities
Taxi Operators shall:
- Adhere to the transportation policies and procedures set out by STSWR.
- Provide training to dispatch and taxi drivers which is in keeping with the above, including outlining related procedures in the driver manual.
- Use route information as provided by STSWR via the on-line portal.
- Report on web portal immediately ALL accidents (even in cases where route times will not be affected)
- Contact parents and/or guardians by phone when delays will exceed 15 minutes.
- Contact the school principal and STSWR immediately in the event of a serious accident or incident.
- Not accept any requests from a parent/guardian or school with respect to custom or special transportation arrangements and direct the parent/guardian to the school to request change to the transportation arrangement.
- Ensure that all specifications set out by the Ministry of Transportation, related sections of the Highway Traffic Act, Regional Bylaws and any other related legislative components are upheld.
- Ensure all drivers maintain a valid Taxi license in good standing in accordance with the Region of Waterloo and conduct audits to ensure compliance and current First Aid certification.
- Keep vehicles maintained to Region of Waterloo standards, clean and in good working order and not put a vehicle into service that is not compliant.
- Submit documentation to STSWR as requested, which may include, but is not limited to, detailed fleet information, driver training records, proof of license for Taxi drivers, insurance certificate Taxi licence number.
- Provide on-going professional development to Taxi drivers with respect to safe driving and/or customer service and will comply with any mandatory training requirements as set out by the Waterloo Region, Ministry of Transportation or Ministry of Education.
- Work cooperatively with the principal, parents/guardians and STSWR when disputes or problems arise.
Maintain confidentiality in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Privacy Procedure
Taxi Drivers shall:
- Obey all rules and regulations of the Highway Traffic Act at all times.
- Adhere to the schedules that have been established by STSWR.
- Pick up and drop off students only at the stops designated by STSWR.
- Ensure that students are never left alone in a Taxi at any time.
- Refuse to allow any unauthorized persons to board the vehicle and report any incidents of unauthorized persons attempting to board the vehicle to your dispatcher immediately.
- Keep the vehicles clean and free of any hazards. Use an appropriate tone of voice and vocabulary when speaking to students.
- Refrain from shouting, swearing or using offensive and aggressive language.
- Allow the students aboard the vehicle to speak to each other in the language of their choice.
- Notify the school principal in writing about any inappropriate or unsafe behaviour by students
- Not allow the photography of students unless approved by the principal or STSWR.
- Avoid stopping and/or starting abruptly.
- Never leave the vehicle when the motor is running (other than to operate the wheelchair lift).
- Notify the dispatcher in the event of a breakdown or an emergency.
- “Smoking and/or vaping is not permitted in the vehicle at any given time”.
- Contact dispatch before dropping off a primary student if there are any safety concerns.
- In the event of an accident involving the Taxi, follow the procedures outlined in Procedures for Accidents or Incidents.
- Always deliver students to their scheduled destination, even if they display unruly behaviour.
- Not use a cell phone or other personal portable electronic device while transporting students, except in an emergency. For the purpose of this policy, an emergency exists if the driver requires immediate assistance to ensure the safety of his/her passengers or to report a dangerous or life threatening situation.
- Maintain confidentiality in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Privacy Procedure