To ensure that a safe and secure environment is maintained, a school bus will be treated as an extension of the classroom. Improper conduct may result in the withdrawal of riding privileges by the school Principal or designate. Reinstatement will be at the discretion of the school Principal or designate after consultation with the student and parent(s)/caregiver(s).
As Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region and the School Boards share the responsibility for the comfort and safety of all students who ride on school buses, any student whose conduct endangers the safety or interferes with the comfort of others may have her/his riding privileges revoked. Courtesy and respect for others are to prevail at all times.
Students must:
- Be at your assigned pick up location five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time.
- Choose the safest walking route to and from the bus stop, and keep well clear of the traveled roadway and private property while waiting for the bus.
- Make sure traffic is clear, or stopped, when crossing any roadway.
- Line up and board the bus in an orderly manner.
- Take a seat promptly and stay seated until the bus comes to a complete stop at your destination.
- Place nothing in the aisle. Hold books, lunch boxes and other items on your lap.
- Do not carry skates on the bus unless they are equipped with skate guards or placed into a reinforced carrying bag or securely wrapped.
- Musical instruments to a maximum size of 18 inches by 10 inches by 10 inches (46 cm by 26 cm by 26 cm) are allowed on the bus. Instruments over this size are not permitted on the bus.
- Sports equipment, such as toboggans, hockey sticks, skis, skateboards, scooters, etc. are not allowed on the bus.
- Keep arms and head inside the bus at all times.
- When boarding the bus in the afternoon for the homeward trip, students who are first to leave the bus will occupy the front seats or sit in the seat assigned by the principal or designate.
- If on leaving the bus it is necessary to cross a roadway, do so when the stop arm is extended and the red signals on the bus are flashing and traffic is stopped and follow the signal of the bus driver.
- Respect your neighbour’s property. We need to ensure student’s behave in front of other homes (bus stop locations).
For safety reasons, the use of crutches is not permitted on the bus. If the student is wearing a walking boot, they may still ride the bus, provided they can independently use the stairs without assistance.
Conduct on the School Bus
- Every student is responsible to the principal for their conduct on a school bus—Education Act Requirements for Students – Reg. 298, s. 23 (4c)
- Students must act appropriately so as not to endanger the safety or comfort of themselves or others.
- Students at all times are to obey the driver who is in charge of the bus and all passengers.
- School bus patrols are there to assist the bus driver – they have been trained in bus emergency procedures and their instructions should be followed in such circumstances.
- Students are to sit where directed by the principal, designate or driver and to remain seated until the end of the trip.
- Students will be allowed to leave or board the bus only at their regular stop (i.e. at school and at home stop) unless permission, in writing, is granted by the principal.
- Students will be allowed to ride only the bus assigned to them. Written permission from the principal must be obtained for any exceptions.
- The following examples of behavior on a bus are prohibited at all times:
- eating food or drinking beverages
- unnecessary opening and closing of windows
- throwing items inside the bus or out of the windows
- fighting, wrestling, yelling, climbing
- smoking and vaping
- use, possession, or sale of alcohol or illicit drugs
- the possession of weapons or items which are intended to be used as a weapon
- use obscene or profane language
- harassment or bullying of any kind.
- Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region and the Boards consider parent(s)/caregiver(s) responsible for the safety and conduct of their children before they are picked up and after they have been discharged from a school bus.
Disciplinary Procedures and Suspension of Riding Privilege
Any student whose conduct endangers the safety or interferes with the comfort of others may face the following consequence
1. The driver will warn any student who misbehaves on a school bus.
2. If the misbehavior is repeated the driver shall submit a written report to the principal who shall interview the student and may warn their parent(s)/caregiver(s), in writing, that further repetition could lead to the withdrawal of riding privileges.
3. If a suspension of riding privileges is to be applied to a student:
i) The parent(s)/caregiver(s) are to be notified, in writing, of the reason and duration of the suspension of riding privileges.
NOTE: The suspension of riding privileges by the principal will be for a period of one (1) to twenty (20) days for any one offense.
ii) Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region, the operator and the driver of the bus will receive a copy of the letter.
NOTE: The principal will consult with the student and parent(s)/caregiver(s) before riding privileges are reinstated.
4. Where a suspension of riding privileges exceeds twenty (20) days, approval of the Board is required.
5. If the principal feels that the misbehavior is sufficiently serious to suspend the student’s riding privileges immediately, contact will be made by telephone to the parties noted above. Written contact must follow.
6. A student who misbehaves may not be removed from the bus before the bus reaches the school or home stop.