The subscription service allows users to receive delays and cancellations to their email address. Sign up for the subscription service.
For Parents and Guardians who use the Student Login to retrieve their child(ren)’s busing information, there is a section at the bottom of the Student Login to enter an email for the subscription as well.
Set up an account:
- Go to the site here and click Create Account at the bottom. You will require an email to perform this task.
- Choose the Subscribe button
- The system will send you an email (entitled: Email Subscription: Action Required sent from: geoquery_feedback@stswr.ca)
- Choose the Confirm link in the email
- Enter your preferred password twice on the page that opens
Subscribe to Route Delays & Cancellations:
- If you aren’t logged in, login at https://bpweb.stswr.ca/Subscriptions/Login.aspx, using your email address and chosen password
- Under My Subscriptions > Route Delays & Cancellations, find the Route for your child(ren) and be sure to select both the AM and PM runs for each student (e.g., Route 001 Find -> Add Run 001(your school)). Please note the AM and PM runs your child(ren) take may be on separate Routes.
- Choose the checkbox under Add for each route, and then Subscribe
Subscribe to School Closures:
- If you aren’t logged in, login at https://bpweb.stswr.ca/Subscriptions/Login.aspx, using your email address and chosen password
- Under My Subscriptions > School Closures, select your child(ren)’s school(s) and Subscribe
Subscribe to General Notices:
- If you aren’t logged in, login at https://bpweb.stswr.ca/Subscriptions/Login.aspx, using your email address and chosen password
- Under My Subscriptions > General Notices, choose Enabled
Ensure Subscription Status is Enabled:
- If you aren’t logged in, login at https://bpweb.stswr.ca/Subscriptions/Login.aspx, using your email address and chosen password
- Under My Information > Status, ensure Enabled is checked. If it isn’t, check it.
Subscribe to SMS Text Messages:
- Click on ‘My Information’ in the menu bar to the left of the screen and select ‘SMS’
- Check off the box tor receive SMS notifications and enter the phone numbers that you would like to receive SMS notifications.
- Once you have entered your phone numbers, hit ‘Save’. You can enter as many as 5 numbers for one account.
Changing Your Information:
- If you aren’t logged in, login at https://bpweb.stswr.ca/Subscriptions/Login.aspx, using your email address and chosen password
- Change any information (email, password, language preference) in the My Information tab.
Forgot Your Password?
To retrieve a lost password, enter your email at https://bpweb.stswr.ca/Subscriptions/Login.aspx?Subscribe=1 and an email will be sent to you.
For further assistance please contact us at (519) 744-7575