STSWR is proud to announce our latest initiative to support student and rider safety: the Seat Belts Project. The pilot project with seatbelts was very succcessful, and we have expanded the number of buses we are using with seatbelts, and more will be added to the fleet in the future. Safety of our students is our main priority.
Seatbelt Video (How To 3 Point Lap-Shoulder Belt)
The STSWR project currently includes 37 school buses equipped with three point seat belts. All of these buses are on the road in September 2023 with additional buses added each school year.
The flexible design of the seat belts allows for two or three students per seat. The height adjustment is easily raised or lowered to adapt to the student size making the seatbelt safe for students from ages 3 to 18.
Seat Belt Training Instructions (Visual)