STSWR recognizes that traffic and infrastructure will change over time, creating new conditions that may alter the walkability of a route to school.
Considering that the local municipalities are consistently adding and improving infrastructure to support active transportation.
STSWR will, from time to time, review the walkability of school walk zones.
STSWR identifies areas to be reviewed and notifies families residing in the identified area that a review will take place. Notifications of the review will be sent to parents or guardians of impacted students in December or January.
STSWR will collect comments and feedback from families while conducting the review using the following criteria:
- Crossing a multi lane street
- Existence of traffic signals
- Posted speed limits
- Warrants for crossing guards
Students in JK to grade 8 are not expected to cross a multi-lane road of more than four (4) lanes without the presence of either an adult crossing guard or traffic signals with a pedestrian crossing signal.
- Crossing railway tracks
- Suitability of sidewalk/walkway/signals
Students in JK to grade 8 are not expected to cross street level railway tracks that are not equipped with warning signals.
ION LRT crossings will be reviewed considering the mode of operation at the crossing. ION operates with right of way in some sections while operating like an on-street vehicle in other sections.
- Suitability of sidewalk
- Proximity of traffic
On roads where posted speed limits are in excess of 60 km per hour, students in JK to grade 8 are not expected to use sidewalks that do not have a grassed or paved strip separating the sidewalk from the road.
- Residential streets without sidewalks
- Posted speed limit
Students in JK to grade 8 are not expected to walk along roads without sidewalks if the posted speed limit is in excess of 60 km per hour.
- Walkways/Pathways
Walkways and/or pathways will be used in determining the distance from home to school based on the following:
- Municipal and Regional Conservation Authority approved pathways/walkways for which no restriction for pedestrian use has been established;
- the walkway/pathway is maintained during the winter months
- the walkway/pathway consists of an engineered surface (i.e. paved, gravel/limestone screening).
Communication of results
Following the evaluation of the transportation eligibility factors, families are notified of either the continuation of bus service or the change in transportation eligibility for the upcoming school year. Notifications are sent to the families in April or May for any change taking place in September.