1. Recourse to appeal is available in cases where stakeholders such as parents, guardians or students disagree with an application of a Transportation Policy.
  2. Complaints are to be referred by staff as follows
    • The receptionist will refer an unsatisfied complainant to the transportation planner responsible for the school area in question.
    • If the complaint is not resolved at that level, the transportation planner will refer the complainant to the Operations Supervisor.
    • If the complaint is not resolved at that level, the complainant will be given the opportunity to appeal to the General Manager of STSWR.
  3. Consortium staff will provide a complete explanation of the Transportation Policy and will provide a copy of the policy to those complainants who wish to appeal an application of the policy.
  4. Appeals must be made in writing or email and directed to the attention of the General Manager of STSWR. You may use the online Appeals Form to submit your appeal or provide the information requested in an e-mail or letter. The form and any relevant supporting documentation may also be faxed to 519-650-2979.
  5. Written appeals should include a full description of the circumstances related to the appeal, including the basis for the appeal.
  6. The General Manager will review the appeal and provide a response in writing or email within fifteen (15) working days after receipt. If the complainant is unsatisfied with the General Manager’s response, they may choose to refer the appeal to the Consortia Management Committee by using one of the following methods:
    1. Submit a written request addressed to the attention of the Consortia Management Committee and send by mail or email to the General Manager.
    2. Request to present the appeal in person to the Consortia Management Committee by calling 519-650-4934 ext. 221 and registering to attend a future meeting.
  7. The final level of appeal is the Consortia Management Committee. The CMC will review appeals at its regular meetings each month.
  8. Complainants will be informed in writing of the final appeal decision.
  • Request for services/changes to Operations Supervisor
    • Operations Supervisor makes decision
    • Acceptance
      • no further action
    • Denial
      • Written Appeal to General Manager
      • Acceptance
        • no further action
      • Denial
        • Written Appeal or Present in person to CMC
        • Denial
          • Acceptance
            • no further action
          • Denial
            • CMC Decision is Final