Step 4: Sign up for delay/cancellation alerts
April 3rd, 2019
Set up an account:
- Enter your email address at
- Choose the Subscribe button
- The system will send you an email (entitled: Email Subscription: Action Required sent
- Choose the Confirm link in the email
- Enter your preferred password twice on the page that opens
Subscribe to Route Delays & Cancellations:
- If you aren’t logged in, login at, using your email address and chosen password
- Under My Subscriptions > Route Delays & Cancellations, find the Route for your child(ren) and be sure to select both the AM and PM runs for each student (e.g., Route 001 Find -> Add Run 001(your school)). Please note the AM and PM runs your child(ren) take may be on separate Routes.
- Choose the checkbox under Add for each route, and then Subscribe
Subscribe to School Closures:
- If you aren’t logged in, login at, using your email address and chosen password
- Under My Subscriptions > School Closures, select your child(ren)’s school(s) and Subscribe
Subscribe to General Notices:
- If you aren’t logged in, login at, using your email address and chosen password
- Under My Subscriptions > General Notices, choose Enabled
Ensure Subscription Status is Enabled:
- If you aren’t logged in, login at, using your email address and chosen password
- Under My Information > Status, ensure Enabled is checked. If it isn’t, check it.
Subscribe to SMS Text Messages:
- Click on ‘My Information’ in the menu bar to the left of the screen and select ‘SMS’
- Check off the box tor receive SMS notifications and enter the phone numbers that you would like to receive SMS notifications.
- Once you have entered your phone numbers, hit ‘Save’. You can enter as many as 5 numbers for one account.