Past, Present, Future

Main Curriculum Connection:  Grade 3 & 4 Social Studies


Learning Objectives 

  1.  To investigate how people from earlier communities travelled and the risks they faced
  2. To compare travel in earlier communities to travel today


Resources Needed

Existing curriculum resources related to earlier communities (e.g., textbooks, websites, etc.) 


  1. Divide students into small groups. 
  2. Ask students to research how people from an earlier community travelled from place to place. What did they use? How did the environment influence travel? What were the risks? 
  3. Ask students to compare these modes of travel/risks with what pedestrians, cyclists and motorists face today? 
  4. Brainstorm what transportation might look like in 10 years (and possible risks). 
  5. As a class have students present their comparisons to their classmates (or other classes). Consider encouraging them to share their work in different ways (e.g. a PowerPoint, diorama, poster, etc. ). 

Cross-curricular and Integrated Learning 

Students can create maps showing how people from an earlier community got from home, to school compared to their own travel to school.