Other Connections
Math Scenarios
- Create scenarios using language related to pedestrian safety (ex: it takes you 25 minutes to get ready, and 20 minutes to get to school. When do you need to wake up to make it to school at 9:00 AM?).
- Create a survey! Count how different people travel to school and input the data into a graph. Alternatively, the classroom teacher or a select student each day can use BikeWalkRoll.org to survey the class on how they travelled to school on one or more days. Students can then graph and interpret the class data, comparing directions (to vs from school), days of week, and potentially how weather affects the mode.
Words, and phrases associated with pedestrian safety can be incorporated into classroom word wall activities.
The Arts
Students can be encouraged to create skits, songs, posters, etc. to express emotions, feelings, etc. they experience when they are pedestrians.