
STSWR is committed to the protection of personal information under its control and custody, and to the right of privacy with respect to personal information that is collected, used, disclosed, and retained.

STSWR adheres to all applicable provisions in the Education Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Personal Health Information Protection Act, and any other applicable legislation as it relates to privacy.


Any request for a student’s personal information should be made only by a parent or caregiver that is so specified in the Aspen School Board system. All other requests for personal information will be denied.


Any request for transportation services, cancellation request or change request related to a student’s personal information must be made by the parents/caregivers, through the school and loaded into the Aspen School Board system before a change can be made at STSWR.

  1. Parent or caregiver may change the information for their own student(s) through their school office.
  2. These changes are communicated electronically to STSWR.
  3. Parent/caregiver status is shown on the School Board Aspen system under contacts.
  4. Requests for information made by anyone other than a designated parent/caregiver (in Aspen) will be denied. Verification of status (with relation to a student) and subsequent information given can happen ONLY at the school. The school has knowledge of students that STSWR does not.
  5. The bus companies only have access of information for the students they transport. The information covers the students busing information, phone numbers and may contain medical needs. All other information is confidential.
  6. In the matter of a police investigation, information may be given to the police as required by law.
  7. In case of medical emergency, every effort will be made to contact the parent/caregiver and/or emergency contact in case of an emergency. However, to facilitate student care, information will be released to emergency officials.
  8. NO information will be given to the general public.